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File name FEM Modeling of Gigahertz TEM Cells for Susceptibility Analysis of RFID Products 5991-3773EN [4].pdf

Proceedings of the 42nd European Microwave Conference FEM Modeling of Gigahertz TEM Cells for Susceptibility Analysis of RFID Products Wilmar Heuvelman, Rick Janssen Ralph Prestros Central R&D BU-Identification NXP Semiconductors B.V. NXP Semiconductors Austria GmbH Eindhoven, the Netherlands Gratkorn, Austria [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] Abstract-- This paper presents a novel simulation methodology to wave is the TEM (transverse electromagnetic) wave within a model the coupling between a GTEM cell and an RF-ID antenna. GTEM (gigahertz transverse electromagnetic) cell, because it This model can further be used in a simulation test bench to locally corresponds to a plane wave from DC to several GHz. verify the susceptibility of contactless RFID cards to RF Besides the fact that it is difficult to generate the approximation interference from mobile phone transmissions. In this test bench of a plane wave over such a wide band within an anechoic the immunity test signals are injected into the contactless smart chamber even with several antennas, most anechoic chambers card under design within a model of a GTEM cell. A GTEM cell are not really anechoic anymore below 30 MHz. In is used for this purpose because it is the only real-life test comparison, such a GTEM cell is a low cost and well environment that allows exposing the DUT with a localized plane established test environment in Electromagnetic Compatibility wave from 13.56 MHz up to multi-GHz frequencies. Our (EMC) testing and described in various EMC standards [2]. proposed methodology has been well verified by comparing simulations with measurements. In this paper a simulation methodology is proposed, based on well-verified measurements, that calculates the scattering Keywords--Gigahertz transverse electromagnetic (GTEM) cell, (S-)parameters between the feed port of a GTEM cell and the numerical simulation, Finite Element Methods (FEM), feed port of a prototype Proximity Integrated Circuit Card Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), RFID. (PICC) coil antenna (see Fig. 1). This S-parameter model can

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